Bird Park in Puerto Iguazu

Bird Park in Puerto Iguazu on the Brazilian side

Bird Park in puerto iguazu

The Bird Park is an essential for those visiting Foz de Iguazu, located near the Iguazu Falls, in Iguazu National Park ride. In the park of Birds you have a direct contact with more than 1020 birds. Local encompassing about 150 different species. Are 16.5 acres of lush Atlantic Forest held to form the best habitat for our animals.
It’s no walk like any other, it is a unique and unforgettable experience in which you will find amazing birds of the 4 corners of Brazil and around the world, many of them endangered. Enter our nurseries in delayed immersion to feel the flutter of the thrilling Macaws and look into the eyes of a toucan.
There is much to feel and appreciate the beauty is everywhere and that’s what motivates us every day to work for the preservation of fauna and flora. Birds took shelter have no conditions to continue in nature and remain in an environment where they can live happily.
You are an essential part of this project and all you need to do to help preserve these adventures is delivered in every way.

Attractions in the park
Nursery Pantanal

The Pantanal is the world’s largest floodplain, being home to several species of animals. In the Bird Park you find a nursery created in honor of one of the richest biomes in Brazil, protecting birds adapted to the aquatic environment, such as scarlet ibis and herons, toucans addition, chuñas and many other species.

Forest Nursery

The Atlantic Forest is dense, moist and biodiverse. It covers the entire area of ​​Iguazu National Park. Many species of birds live in the different layers of this incredible biome. Know curassows looking for fruits and insects in the soil, magpies and blackbirds singing in the branches and Jacutingas and toucans watching everything from the treetops.

Paradise Yellow Macaws

The Yellow Paraba is considered one of the symbols of the birds of Brazil. They wear the colors of the Brazilian flag and live in small towns in the Amazon, living in the tops of the tallest trees. In the Bird Park you have the unforgettable opportunity to experience the largest colony of yellow macaws in captivity in the world.

Reptiles Lair

Did you know that birds are close relatives of the reptiles in terms of evolution? So you know a little more about this group, the Bird Park met a stimulating habitat where you can see some of the great reptiles of the Brazilian, such as pythons, iguanas, alligators and the dreaded anaconda fauna.

Refuge Harpies

The harpy with its majestic posture and unparalleled strength is the most powerful bird of prey in the world. She lives in the tops of the dense forests from southern Mexico to northeastern Argentina. In the Bird Park is the largest breeding of harpies on display worldwide nursery.

Nursery Macaws

Brazil is home to many species of macaws and you can find them here in the Bird Park. You can participate in a colorful sunrise brought by several species of macaws and parrots in the nursery of immersion, where you can feel closely the presence of birds flying around.

Kingdom of Butterflies

Some cultures believe that when a butterfly lands on you, it is a sign of good news. Dazzled in this constant metamorphosis into a delicate and charming nursery, shared by numerous species of butterflies and colibríesque change your life.

Tame macaws

You can feel in our nurseries, the meek macaws flying closely over you. But at the end of your walk in the park, you will unrecuerdo memorable with our tame macaws may pose in his arm to take pictures.
The availability of this attraction is subject to animal welfare issues.

Life tree

You know the story of the tree of life? In the Bird Park is the representation of this legendary tree of Norse mythology who brings a lesson about human ambition and the preservation of nature.


The Bird Park is one of the few places where you can come face to face with the cassowary a territorialist lonely bird, which, when triggered, can become a very aggressive animal, which earned him the title of “bird world’s most dangerous “in the Book of Records.

Snakes Mansas

Park Boas are so tame that it is not necessary to be courageous to observe them closely. At the end of the tour you will have the opportunity detocarlas and take a picture for all to see that you’re a fan of adventure.
The availability of this attraction is subject to animal welfare issues.


Owls are the owners of the night and more than 20 species can be found in Brazil flying after sunset. In the Bird Park you can see some of these wonderful species in broad daylight.


After a lovely walk, nothing better than being in a friendly atmosphere and enjoy a delicious meal. The Bird Park Restaurant has an unforgettable view of Lake of the Flamingos, where birds amaze all visitors.

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